To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Implement the Robin Hood Tax to Save America!

We the people of the United States call upon our congressional representatives and the President to immediately implement The Robin Hood Tax (aka the Tobin Tax). This 1% tax on the sales of derivative transactions on Wall Street, would allow our country to "fix our debt" issue within 2 years...without the need to cut into the safety net programs such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. If Congress does not act...then we call upon the President to take this issue to the American people and ask for their the majority of people will support this idea that erases our national debt without raising the taxes on a single American!

Why is this important?

We need to institute a 1% tax on derivative sales transactions on Wall Street. Currently, Wall Street makes about 100 TRILLION DOLLARS per year on derivative sales...and...they pay NO TAX at all for this profit. A 1% tax of the sale of derivatives will bring about 10 TRILLION dollars in revenue which can be used to eliminate our national debt in about 2 years! Some Democratic and Republican representatives are considering bills in Congress to do this...they need our support! Europe has already voted to implement this tax to cure their debt issues...we need to do the same! For more details on this tax, visit .
