To: Presidential Candidates, President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Impose fines for lying during Campaigns

It's time to put an end to campaign lying. Let's get together on this now, so the next round of campaigning can be clean and clear of all BS. This petition puts forth a call for congress to pass a bill that requires all campaigns for house and senate congress positions as well as presidential position campaigns to run honest ads and debates.

Why is this important?

It's time to put an end to campaign lying. Let's get together on this now, so the next round of campaigning can be clean and clear of all BS. This petition puts forth a call for congress to pass a bill that requires all campaigns for house and senate congress positions as well as presidential position campaigns to run honest ads and debates. It invites a fine of sizeable amount (5% of gross amount in campaign account) be taken from the candidate who supports an ad that is false or gives false information during a debate. This money is then to be given to reduce the national debt or into a campaign finance reform fund for a committee to utilize for establishing a new campaign finance law.