To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Impose Term Limits On Congress

Whereas, Congress ratings are at an historic low point; and
Whereas, the American people no longer trust career politicians who run for reelection over and over again; and

Whereas, members of Congress seem to care more about pandering to campaign contributors and special interest groups than representing their constituents; and

Whereas, election rules and government power have been perverted so that it has become almost impossible for the people to vote their elected representatives out of office; and

Whereas, 83% of the American people support term limits;

Now Therefore Be It Resolved, that I do hereby call on you to publicly support a two-term limit on members of The Senate and a three-term limit on members of The House.

Why is this important?

I am starting this petition, because I am sick of the life-time politicians we have in Congress. Congress continues to act as if the people don't matter, and only do things when it benefits them. The amount of rotation in Congress is at an all-time low, due to peoples disenchantment of our system. I believe if there were shorter terms and no life-time politicians for Lobbyist to corrupt, Congress might do more for the people that voted them into Office.