To: The New York State Senate and Governor Andrew Cuomo

Imposition of Fine and/or Jail Time for Disregard of, or Endangerment to Human Life

I believe that there should be a mandatory fine as well as possible jail time imposed on any white individual who knowingly makes a 911 call under false pretenses against a black person and therefore endangers the life of the black person against whom they have weaponized their own innate racism and privilege.

Knowingly using 911 emergency services in order to make a dishonest claim of bodily harm, an impending threat, or to spread bogus misinformation about a black person who is doing nothing whatsoever illegal should result in a mandatory fine for the white person who makes the call.

Any 911 call made by a white person which is done knowing that the claim is invalid and false should be immediately penalized for reckless endangerment of human life, indifference to human life, and imminent risk of death to the black person who has had the police called on them for no legal reason or otherwise.

Why is this important?

I am starting this petition because I believe that certain white people are using 911 emergency services as a means to act out their racism against black people in America. They are weaponizing their white privilege against the black person whom they have called the police on, and do so under the belief that their actions will be not only excused but supported by the authorities. This blatant projection of racism onto the well being and lives of black people must be deemed inexcusable and a severe offense under the eyes of the law.
