To: The Pennsylvania State House, The Pennsylvania State Senate, and Governor Tom Wolf

impoverished middle class parents

Families in Pennsylvania need help with daycare. 40 percent or more of one's income shouldn't be spent on the education of our little children. High daycare costs for the middle class are keeping many from living together as a family. it decreases the size of a middle class family, the very people who are the back bone of the country. Giving subsidies only to the poor create large state supported families.

Giving everyone universal education to the daycare age will help those who need it the most. Those who are the back bone of America. Leaving status quo helps no one.

Why is this important?

In Pennsylvania families like mine pay 40% of net income for their children's early education. Single parents receive help, people with extremely low income receive help. But those people who decide to marry and work full time jobs receive absolutely no help. My family would be better off financially if i left the house. The family would be showered with benefits including subsidized daycare.

Many families choose to live separately, or never marry because they would rather not worry about picking what bills to skip out on paying because they spent $1400 on daycare for the month, more than the rent, car payment, insurance, food combined.