To: The Illinois State House, The Illinois State Senate, and Governor J.B. Pritzker

In School Education: Teach Topic Of Rape/Affects on Victims/Punishment of The Crime/Why Rape is W...

Education mandatory teaching in schools in sexual education about Rape Victims/Survivors Affects/punishment/crime etc. I would help create and be involved in this process. BRING AWARENESS!

Why is this important?

My petition is about a everyday crime that decreases very little each year. RAPE IS REALITY. I was affected for life at the age of nineteen in a small community walking home from a birthday party. I was beaten on the roadside, thrown into a truck, (Kidnapped from the roadside} raped repeatedly. The justice system failed me. I remain with scars deep within and hearing loss from the brutal beatings. There was no help, counselors, agencies etc. at the time of my rape. It destroyed my life for years. I was alone. I am a independent law activist for victims rights, and a independent speaker on rape and healthcare, and a independent advocate. I think in schools reality of crime of rape and it's affects on all parties involved victims/survivors should be a topic studied in the classes of Sexual Education to boys and girls at a appropriate age and level of comprehension in separate classes from each other. We have to start some where because our Rape criminal's are violating victims and causing bodily harm and mental illness to their victims. Seriously something needs to happen now! Public awareness as well/under no circumstances does a woman/man boy/girl ask for rape or deserve rape. IT IS NOT A VICTIMS FAULT STOP BLAMING A VICTIM FOR THE CRIME OF RAPE!
