To: The Texas State House, The Texas State Senate, Governor Greg Abbott, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

In Texas the Wall is not at the border

The lies that have made this country so called great have been embellished and continue to promote Native American Cleansing of the Original Tribe of Texas. It has always been a policy of Texas to erase the Carrizo/Comecrudo People of Texas by promoting and supporting broken treaties and waiving of laws like the Native American Graves Protection And Repatriation Act and the Native American Religious Freedom Act.

The wall is not at the border! It is just another lie to justify the Ignorance and continue the cultural and environmental genocide of the Original People of Texas. The wall is being built at the levee sometimes from 1 to 3 miles from the colonized imaginary line called the BORDER. It is also being built with Tax payer funds. It was promised that Mexico would pay for the wall, just another lie. Say NO TO THE BORDER WALL. NO AL MURO. It would s not a Border Wall just another racist attempt to erase Original Native People of Texas and enslave people of color.

Why is this important?

To stop the misuse of Taxpayer money in order to subsidize misleading lies as well as stop the erasure of Native Original People of Texas.