To: D. A. Steven Wolfson, District Attorney and Eric Johnson, Judge

Incarcerate Wendell Melton

We support the removal of Wendell Melton from his home and returned to the Clark County Detention Center to await his trial for March 10, 2020.

Why is this important?

*Our Objective: We are initiating this petition because of the violent and heinous crime that was perpetrated against an unarmed 14-year-old child by his own biological father. Wendell Melton shot and killed his own son on 11/2/2017. He served 4 months in jail and has been living at home awaiting trial with an electronic leg monitor "Program of Intensive Supervision" (NRS 176A.440) prior to trial. According to the State of Nevada:
"If the charges against you are sufficiently serious, the judge may hesitate to leave
you at liberty while you are awaiting trial, even when you have already posted bail."
Our Goal: Is to have Judge Eric Johnson revoke Wendell Melton's "Program of Intensive Supervision" and request that he return to jail and await his court Trial set for 3/10/2020.
Why is this important? It is important
because it is a slap in the face to our citizens that depend on the legal system in Nevada to be fair and protect us from violent criminals that kill children. This case was mismanaged from the beginning, Judge Eric Johnson was opposed to releasing Wendell Melton from custody, due to the nature of the crime, and flight risk, since the defendant is a licensed pilot. Proof of such statements can be reviewed on court video on 3/22/2018. It was D.A. Dijacamo that persuaded the judge to reduce bail from $808,000 to $200,000 and allow him to post bail for murdering an unarmed child in the chest. Witness to this court proceeding was the victim's mother, Veronica Melton, and Blue Montana.
We also petition that the State provide an attorney to the victim's mother, Veronica Melton, in further proceedings. Had she had one on
the day that Judge Johnson lowered the bail and let him out on house arrest, then her attorney could have rightfully objected to the motion, but the state and the victims of crime failed to provide one.
