To: The United States Senate

Include a talking filibuster in any package of Senate rules reforms

I want real filibuster reform that includes the talking filibuster. The filibuster should be used to increase debate, not silently obstruct legislation. End the silent filibuster and restore the Senate's role as a deliberative body by reforming the rules and implementing the talking filibuster.

Why is this important?

Between now and January 22, Senate leaders will meet to discuss whether senators will continue to be allowed to silently stall any nomination or legislation, or whether the public accountability of a real, talking filibuster will be required from now on.

During these meetings, the grassroots need a way to send a message about our frustration with unaccountable obstructionism directly to Senate leaders. At Daily Kos, by teaming up with the champions of the filibuster reform movement inside the Senate—Sens. Jeff Merkley (D-OR), Tom Udall (D-NM) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)—we have a way you can do exactly that.

Tell Senate leaders to include a real, talking filibuster in any package of Senate rules reforms. Sens. Merkley, Udall and Warren will deliver your message.