To: John R. Broderick, President of Old Dominion University

Increase Commuter Parking at ODU

As Old Dominion University students, we feel that there needs to be more commuter parking available around campus so that we can get to and from class quickly and safely at all times of the day.

Why is this important?

Every day that I come to campus I try to park in garage C (the garage by the Ted). And every day I see people on every floor circling like vultures to find that one person that's leaving. The same happens for garage D. Our other options are parking in the back of campus, right off the water, or parking over to the side of campus, which are very long walks. And when an event happens, we are all screwed; floors get closed off and we have nowhere to go. We were told that the increase in metered parking (garage B) was a result of demand, but every time I've gone in there it has been close to empty. The same goes for the faculty garage next to it (garage A). There are a lot of commuters at ODU, and we need more commuter parking NEAR CAMPUS.
