As your constituents, we, the undersigned, request that you vote to let the Bush tax cuts for the top 2% expire at the end of the year and to retain the Bush tax rates for the middle class. Also we request that you actively work to avoid cuts in Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid. This is what the people voted for in November, and we expect that you will vote the same way.
Why is this important?
President Obama is proposing to let the Bush Tax cuts expire for top income earners but keep them for the middle class. The growing disparity of income and wealth in our country are endangering our middle class, which is the strength of a democracy. Allowing the Bush Tax cuts to stay in place for the middle class will help keep the economy growing. The top 2% should consider it their patriotic duty to give back to the society that has given them the tools to prosper, and the small increase in their top tax bracket will not endanger their welfare.