To: The Washington State House, The Washington State Senate, and Governor Jay Inslee

Increase wage for in-house care providers

Care providers trained and hired by the State deserves higher wage for their hard work. Being a care provider for disabled and or seniors requires physical labor including but not limited to lifting clients; cleaning house; cooking; bathing clients. The wage of $8.55/hour is not enough to help these hard working individuals. With their training and willingness to work the wage should be $12.00/hour.
For the workers, a higher income rate would make living and providing for themselves and families much reasonable. Please consider increasing the wage for State hired care providers.
Thank you.
Vaughn Brown

Why is this important?

I find that the $8.55 per hour wage for care providers who work at homes of people with disabilities and seniors to be below the realistic cost to survive in the modern community. Because of the much work of care providers, lifting clients; cooking; cleaning, should be respected and thus paid more. I am asking that the wage increases to $12/hour.
I had a friend who did this for a person, being a care provider, and hardly made the cut in paying bills or buying food.
