To: Indiana Supreme Court and Indiana District Attorney

Indiana Supreme Court: This rapist deserves jail time!

Mandy Boardman's husband David Wise had been drugging her for at least three years and raping her in her sleep.

Prosecutors asked for 40 years. He got zero.

Apparently, 12 years of a suspended sentence and eight years in home confinement are more than enough for a man who claims the rapes were because his wife was "snippy" — and the judge even told Mandy to forgive her husband and let him walk for his repeated assaults!

We call on the Indiana Supreme Court to appeal this sentencing, and for the district attorney to issue a statement condemning the sentencing judge for his appalling, offensive remarks.

Why is this important?

Here's the lesson Judge Eisgruber just taught Mandy Boardman: "Women, don’t get snippy out there; you might get drugged and raped.”

