To: Eric Holder, USDOJ, U.S. Attorney General, Ted Todd, Jefferson County Circuit Judge, President Donald Trump, The Indiana State House, The Indiana State Senate, Governor Eric Holcomb, and The United States Senate

Indiana's unfair property tax laws must change

Indiana must cease taking citizens' homes under current inequitable, discriminatory delinquent tax sale policies, and institute fair, clear, understandable practices that help instead of harm Indiana property owners. Such new practices must be enforced even handedly, and County Auditors and Assessors must do their jobs competently, completely, and efficiently before presenting any home for sale, or be held responsible & liable.

Why is this important?

Indiana currently practices inequitable, discriminatory, incompetent, arbitrary, unfair and harmful remedies to collect delinquent property taxes which are probably illegal at the federal level, and thus must cease such activity retroactively, returning homes they have "sold" at tax sales to the citizens until fair, legal, equitable, non-discriminatory policies/laws are enacted.