To: Daniel Donavan, District Attorney

Indict Daniel Pantaleo for Murdering Eric Garner

District Attorney Daniel Donavan we demand you to Indict Daniel Pantaleo for the Murder of Eric Garner! He killed Eric Garner and you're upholding Murder. Indict him NOW! No Justice No Peace and we mean it!

Why is this important?

On July 17, 2014, Eric Garner died in the Tompkinsville neighborhood of Staten Island, New York, after a police officer put him in an apparent choke hold for allegedly selling untaxed Cigarettes and the Murder was on video. The Grand Jury who heard the case failed to indict Daniel Pantaleo because District Attorney Daniel Donavan thought Pantaleo was doing what he was trained. Daniel murdered Eric Garner and District Attorney Daniel Donavan knows it.
