To: The Alaska State House, The Alaska State Senate, and Governor Mike Dunleavy
injured workers manifesto
let the doctors (chosen by patient), treat and run tests, giving claimant all copies before the adjuster and lawyers can interfere and stop treatment. End exclusive remedy which limit legal recourse, and hold adjuster criminally liable when they harm someone. Let no doctor perform ime for carriers unless they have local established practice and have no more than 20% of their patients be insurance exams, and they may charge only what welfare or social security exams would cost,
Why is this important?
end routine fraud by insurance carriers, exclusive remedy of disputes in hands of polutical appointees, not medical professionals; and delayed medical treatment by adjusters with immunity. many of us have died, or like me, remain crippled for life because carriers are never prosecuted, lawyers dont take our cases, and the feds wont even apply rico statutes when they conspire with doctors or lawyers to cheat the patient.