To: Governor Tom Wolf

Innocent man behind bars facing homicide charges because of jealous and obsessed ex- friend.

Stop charging people with crimes they didn't commit and charge criminals when you have evidence they committed a crime.

Why is this important?

This petition is in relation to Bijorn Trent vs. Lehigh county in an alleged homicide that occurred December 4, 2012. The ex- friend (Lourdes Gonzalez) and 3 of her friends went to the defendants house and vandalized his common law wife's car and then jumped the defendant. The defendant hit one of her friends knocking him unconscious and the unconscious man was later pronounced dead. APD was called prior to the incident in relation to the exfriend harassing and threatening the defendants wife for months before the incident. The whole situation was caught on tape and Lehigh County still has not charged the aggressor with a crime. In addition there are 3 other families who were also subject to the same situation caused by no other than Lourdes Gonzalez. All four families have suffered a great deal of loss such as employment, jail time, or having to relocate from their homes because Lourdes Gonzalez has not been charged for her crimes. This is an absolute injustice to these families who have to now live in fear because even with evidence this criminal (Lourdes Gonzalez) is allowed to roam free and victimize someone else. This is an outrage to our community of tax paying citizens who buy into the justice system by being law abiding tax paying citizens. Where is the justice for these families?
