To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Integration Overhaul Needed for Families of US Citizens, too!

Please do a thorough review of our immigration laws and make any necessary changes and exceptions to ensure that families of US citizens all have a fair chance in the visa process.

Why is this important?

I am a US citizen born and bred, and my foreign husband of four years has been denied his marriage visa to come live with me in the US because of a loophole in US immigration laws.

He lives in Germany and has one minor infraction on his police record, for which he only had to pay a fine. Because German law does not break down the severity of different offenses like US law does, this infraction has a maximum penalty of 5 years in jail. In Washington D.C., the same offense has a 6 month maximum sentence.

US immigration law states that any infraction can not have a maximum sentence of more that 1 year in jail in the country where it took place! That means that anyone with a small infraction in countries with laws like Germany CAN NOT get a US visa, while in other countries it is not an issue.

This is clearly unfair. Please petition Congress to completely review US immigration laws and change these inequities that break up families.