To: Blue Care, Humana, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Kaiser Permanente, AAOOM, NIH, Baptist Hospitals, Methodist Hospitals, Medicaid/medicare, Aetna, Cigna, TriCare, Steve Cohen, TennCare, President Donald Trump, The Tennessee State House, The Ten...

Integrative healthcare for TN

Give Tennessee residents integrative health care by mandating that alternative treatments like acupuncture are covered under all insurance, including Medicare and Medicaid. We deserve to have options regarding what is most effective for the individual's needs. Acupuncture is one of many alternative therapies that provide whole body healing, instead of continuing to band aid problems with drugs and costly and invasive procedures that have serious side effects.

Why is this important?

Tennessee needs to provide alternative practices of medicine, such as acupuncture, and other holistic healing, giving it's residents options for health care, and better quality of life. Holistic and all natural treatments like acupuncture are very effective for many health problems, as well as extremely cost effective, and have much fewer side effects and complications. The White House is currently working on mandating alternative health care, and California and Maryland have already set up guidelines for their state that will give all residents access to acupuncture and other helpful and healing alternative treatments in medicine. This is an excellent opportunity for Tennessee to catch up with the rest of the world, and implement a more mindful approach in caring for it's residents, and their health.