To: Sally Jewell, U.S. Secretary of Interior

Interior Department Should Proclaim Eminent Domain of Wounded Knee S.D.

Return Wounded Knee to the Oglala Sioux. Wounded Knee is to Native Americans as Gettysburg is to Americans.

Why is this important?

James A. Czywczynski of Rapid City, South Dakota, purchased the 40 acres of Wounded Knee in 1968. The taxable value of the land is $6,600.00, however he is attempting to sell the land back to the Oglala Sioux for $3.9 million. He has given the tribe until June 1 to express interest in the land. Given the historic significance of the land, it is time for the United States Secretary of Interior, Sally Jewell, to declare "eminent domain" on all of Mr. Czywczynski's Wounded Knee property. Native Americans from across the country go to Wounded Knee to remember the wounds that have never healed there. Return this land to the Oglala Sioux tribe so the wounds can begin to heal.
