25 signatures reached
To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate
Internet Privacy
As a citizen of the United States of America, I respectfully request that the members of Congress and the President of the United States consider my petition.
I ask that citizens' right to privacy, as warranted by the constitution, be extended into our homes when we are online. Currently, we have no privacy at all when we enter the world wide web. Not only should our IP addresses be concealed from websites we visit, but from our government too. Why? It is a matter of free speech. If by choosing to view a website our personal interests and tendencies can be observed and collected by entities, this information can be sold or held against us, the citizens. This is not only a liability of personal safety against our own government, but a commercial gain for companies that sell our personal information without taking our interests into serious consideration. The primary interest of corporations is of course revenue, but when we are hardly aware that our information is being collected, the conscience of corporations is no deterrent. There is no accountability to what is done with our information.
The companies that we agree to share information with, stand behind thick veils of privacy agreements, which are non-negotiable and usually to the public's disadvantage. Unfortunately, people consent to these agreements for otherwise they would be unable to partake in social media.
The Government now has powerful tools at their disposal which are commonly used to sift through peoples' online personal information. We need to put an end to this. We need our privacy back. In this day and age where people with destructive intentions are sought out online, the rest of America has succumbed to an invasion of privacy for the pursuit of security. I can't agree with our policies of internet surveillance. All of America is under surveillance, because of a few bad apples. Where are our principles that we so firmly proclaim to the world if we can not hold to them at home? We go around the world proclaiming womens' rights, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, a right to privacy, but how can we call ourselves The Leaders of Democracy when we so blatantly violate our own rights here at home. If we want to lead, we have to do so by example!
I urge you to consider legislation addressing the issue of right to internet privacy. It should absolutely and totally protect the identity of every internet user (except those convicted of federal crimes and sexual predatory charges). Our rights need to be upheld, now and into the future.
Thank you,
A concerned citizen
I ask that citizens' right to privacy, as warranted by the constitution, be extended into our homes when we are online. Currently, we have no privacy at all when we enter the world wide web. Not only should our IP addresses be concealed from websites we visit, but from our government too. Why? It is a matter of free speech. If by choosing to view a website our personal interests and tendencies can be observed and collected by entities, this information can be sold or held against us, the citizens. This is not only a liability of personal safety against our own government, but a commercial gain for companies that sell our personal information without taking our interests into serious consideration. The primary interest of corporations is of course revenue, but when we are hardly aware that our information is being collected, the conscience of corporations is no deterrent. There is no accountability to what is done with our information.
The companies that we agree to share information with, stand behind thick veils of privacy agreements, which are non-negotiable and usually to the public's disadvantage. Unfortunately, people consent to these agreements for otherwise they would be unable to partake in social media.
The Government now has powerful tools at their disposal which are commonly used to sift through peoples' online personal information. We need to put an end to this. We need our privacy back. In this day and age where people with destructive intentions are sought out online, the rest of America has succumbed to an invasion of privacy for the pursuit of security. I can't agree with our policies of internet surveillance. All of America is under surveillance, because of a few bad apples. Where are our principles that we so firmly proclaim to the world if we can not hold to them at home? We go around the world proclaiming womens' rights, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, a right to privacy, but how can we call ourselves The Leaders of Democracy when we so blatantly violate our own rights here at home. If we want to lead, we have to do so by example!
I urge you to consider legislation addressing the issue of right to internet privacy. It should absolutely and totally protect the identity of every internet user (except those convicted of federal crimes and sexual predatory charges). Our rights need to be upheld, now and into the future.
Thank you,
A concerned citizen
Why is this important?
We are constantly monitored, recorded, and under surveillance by both the Government and private companies/corporations who sell our identities and personal information. The Government monitors us under the guise of security, but we should not let our right to privacy be trampled. Like the saying goes, give a mouse a cookie and he wants a glass of milk. Protect your rights and hold them dearly for they are all that separates us from the rest of the world. We are the United States of America, land of the free!