To: Dan Zumbach (IA-48)

Invest NOW in Iowa's Future: Our Students

Currently, state leadership is proposing a 1.25% increase to state education funding per pupil. We ask the state leadership to reconsider and make a more appropriate allocation by passing at least a 2.5% increase in state funding per pupil, consistent with the compromise being proposed by the Iowa Senate.

Why is this important?

Iowa children are the future of our workforce, and will be the drivers of Iowa’s economy for years to come. A commitment to education should be an easy way to attract and retain families in our great state. Iowa ranks 35th in the nation in per pupil funding and is already more than $1,600 below the national average in annual per-pupil investment. I don't want to see cuts to world languages, social studies, the arts, or after-school activities because of underfunding our schools. Instead, I want to see our students able to compete for 21st century jobs.
