To: Office of Inspector General
Investigate Betsy DeVos for Civil Rights Violations, Corruption, and Student Loan Abuses.
We demand the Inspector General investigate Education Secretary Betsy DeVos. Her pattern of unethical, immoral, and possibly illegal actions make her unfit to serve the American people.
Action must be taken before the next school year begins. Millions of students, parents, and borrowers are at risk.
Action must be taken before the next school year begins. Millions of students, parents, and borrowers are at risk.
Why is this important?
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos must be investigated for:
CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATIONS - Betsy DeVos ordered the Office of Civil Rights to dismiss thousands of cases that were backlogged and rolled back Title IX rules that have a major impact on women and LGBTQ students.
CORRUPTION - Betsy DeVos dismantled the unit that investigates fraud at for-profit colleges just weeks after hiring former for-profit college officials to sit in top positions at the Department of Education.
ILLEGALLY DELAYED LOAN FORGIVENESS - Betsy DeVos intentionally delayed debt relief for students defrauded by shutdown for-profit schools. The Inspector General urged the Department to move on a backlog of debt relief claims, but many people are still waiting for their applications to be reviewed.
CONFLICT OF INTEREST - Betsy DeVos used the Department to award a multi-million dollar student loan debt collection contract to a private company with financial ties to DeVos. The contract was canceled after growing pressure.
Make no mistake, this isn’t the only investigation that matters. The Inspector General has been called to investigate the Education Department for illegally using Americans’ financial data. Auditors are also looking into misuse of tax dollars by Scott Pruitt, the head of the Environmental Protection Agency. In fact, Inspectors General are currently investigating at least five cabinet officials for ethics violations. Abuse of power, in any form, cannot be ignored.
The Inspector General must perform a thorough review of Betsy DeVos’ internal emails, policy documents, meeting agendas, guest lists, and more.
No one is above the law. Now is the time to investigate Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.
CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATIONS - Betsy DeVos ordered the Office of Civil Rights to dismiss thousands of cases that were backlogged and rolled back Title IX rules that have a major impact on women and LGBTQ students.
CORRUPTION - Betsy DeVos dismantled the unit that investigates fraud at for-profit colleges just weeks after hiring former for-profit college officials to sit in top positions at the Department of Education.
ILLEGALLY DELAYED LOAN FORGIVENESS - Betsy DeVos intentionally delayed debt relief for students defrauded by shutdown for-profit schools. The Inspector General urged the Department to move on a backlog of debt relief claims, but many people are still waiting for their applications to be reviewed.
CONFLICT OF INTEREST - Betsy DeVos used the Department to award a multi-million dollar student loan debt collection contract to a private company with financial ties to DeVos. The contract was canceled after growing pressure.
Make no mistake, this isn’t the only investigation that matters. The Inspector General has been called to investigate the Education Department for illegally using Americans’ financial data. Auditors are also looking into misuse of tax dollars by Scott Pruitt, the head of the Environmental Protection Agency. In fact, Inspectors General are currently investigating at least five cabinet officials for ethics violations. Abuse of power, in any form, cannot be ignored.
The Inspector General must perform a thorough review of Betsy DeVos’ internal emails, policy documents, meeting agendas, guest lists, and more.
No one is above the law. Now is the time to investigate Education Secretary Betsy DeVos.