To: President Donald Trump, The Pennsylvania State House, The Pennsylvania State Senate, Governor Tom Wolf, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Investigate Planned Parenthood attacks as domestic terrorism.

The shooting in Colorado Springs that left three people dead is the sixth attack on a Planned Parenthood health center in just four months—since anti-abortion militants started releasing their incendiary sting videos. Local officials are investigating, but these are acts of domestic terrorism the use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims—and require the resources of the Department of Justice.

It's time to treat all attacks on American citizens, that are motivated by an ideology or political gain, as terrorism. Stop letting one group off with the tag of mentally branding another as terrorists.

Why is this important?

There is a climate in this country that has come to the crisis point. When someone shoots up a clinic (Planned Parenthood most often, but any women's clinic), they are endangering lives, even as they claim to be Pro-Life. Yet when they head to court, they are given labels such as "mentally unstable" or "lone wolf" and other excuses. Their actions cause people to be afraid to visit those places under fear of being killed, which is the very definition of TERRORISM. High time to call these crimes what they are.
