To: Charles Plattsmier, Louisiana Chief Disciplinary Counsel

Investigate & Sanction Rogue Louisiana Prosecutors

Tell Louisiana Chief Disciplinary Counsel Charles Plattsmier to Investigate & Sanction Rogue Louisiana Prosecutors

The Louisiana Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 4.1 prohibits a lawyer from lying to someone about an important fact or about the law. Orleans Parish District Attorney Leon Cannizzaro, and Jefferson Parish District Attorney Paul D. Connick, Jr. don't believe that rule applies to them or to prosecutors in their offices.

In fact, Cannizzaro and Connick allowed their prosecutors to issue “fake subpoenas” -- notices labeled “SUBPOENA” -- to witnesses in criminal cases, telling them they had to appear before the District Attorney for questioning. These “fake subpoenas” were issued without a judge's approval, and in Orleans Parish Cannizzaro's prosecutors threatened to throw folks in jail if they didn't appear.

Issuance of these “fake subpoenas” was likely illegal, and most certainly unethical.

The Louisiana Office of Disciplinary Counsel (ODC) regulates the conduct of all Louisiana attorneys. The ODC rarely sanctions rogue prosecuting attorneys who jeopardize an individual’s freedom, but THIS PRACTICE MUST END NOW!

Tell Chief Disciplinary Counsel Charles Plattsmier that DA Cannizzaro, DA Connick, Jr., and every one of their prosecutors who issued “fake subpoenas” must be sanctioned with no less than suspension from the practice of law. The disciplinary rules apply to all lawyers, and especially rogue prosecutors!

Why is this important?

Orleans Parish District Attorney Leon Cannizzaro, and Jefferson Parish District Attorney Paul D. Connick, Jr. have admitted they allowed their prosecutors to issue “fake subpoenas,” i.e., notices labeled “SUBPOENA” to witnesses in criminal cases, telling them they had to appear before the District Attorney for questioning. These “fake subpoenas” were issued without judicial approval and, in Orleans Parish, threatened fines or jail time if the recipient ignored them. Every prosecutor who issued a “fake subpoena” should received discipline of no less than a public reprimand and suspension from the practice of law for no less than One Year and One Day.