To: Lisa Madigan, IL Attorney General, T. Perez, Assistant IL Attorney Genera and Governor J.B. Pritzker

Investigate the City of North Chicago's Police Division and Officials

We demand an investigation into the corruption and illegalities perpetrated by the mayor and decision maker's and police department of North Chicago IL where many people have been illegally beat, tazed and killed, as well as numerous animals abused, held without life sustaining elements and left to die.

Why is this important?

Five men have died while in police custody since 2005, and the animal warden has been seen doing horrendous things to the animals in his care .Many animals have died as a result of the corruption in this town. They do not value life of any kind and we need HELP> This is important relating to (1) the torture, cover-up and death of Darrin Hanna; (2) the torture, mistreatment and death of Animals in the City Pound; (3) and the corruption and cover-up by City of North Chicago Officials and Police Officers relating to seized merchandise, monies and narcotics that have been taken, used or sold without proper authorization by City of North Chicago Officials and Police Officers.