To: Rep. Ben Cline (VA-6)

Investigate voting discrimination, not Planned Parenthood!

Hold a full Judiciary Committee hearing on voting discrimination in the wake of the Supreme Court gutting the Voting Rights Act

Why is this important?

Today, Chairman Rep. Bob Goodlatte announced that his House Judiciary Committee would hold a hearing to investigate alleged sales of fetal tissue Planned Parenthood.

But Goodlatte should be focused on a much more pressing concern: our right to vote is under attack. Ever since the Supreme Court gutted key Voting Rights Act protections in 2013, states have passed new voting restrictions and rolled back proven bipartisan reforms.

If Goodlatte has time to crusade against Planned Parenthood, there's no excuse for letting our most fundamental democratic right go undefended.

Demand that Rep. Goodlatte use his power as Judiciary Committee chairman to stop attacks on our right to vote.