To: Paul Trombino, Iowa DOT Director

Iowa DOT Director Paul Trombino: Stop Cheating Young Immigrants in Iowa

Stop playing politics with the lives of young people in Iowa. We demand that you reverse your political decision to deny driver's licenses to those who have been granted work permits under President Obama's new immigration program.

Why is this important?

WE WON!!! Iowa DOT reversed course and will issue driver’s licenses to young immigrants


Director Paul Trombino and the Iowa Department of Transportation recently announced that they will not issue state IDs or driver’s licenses to immigrants who qualify for work permits under President Obama's new Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

Granting driver’s license to DACA applicants is good for public safety and this decision is an unacceptable attack on Iowa's immigrant community.

Director Trombino is playing politics with the lives of young Iowans. Even the American Civil Liberties Union believes that state officials should be granting driver’s licenses and state ID cards to these immigrants.

We demand that Director Trombino reverse his decision to deny driver's licenses to those who have been granted work permits under the new DACA program.
