To: The Iowa State House and The Iowa State Senate

Iowa Puppy Mills

We're working to get a couple of bills introduced into the 2013 legislative session which started on January 15 so now would be a very good time to contact your state senator and representative. Please do not sit back and wait for someone else to do this. We need YOU to do this. The dogs need YOU to do this. Please write to your state senator and state representative and simply ask them to support legislation that will help dogs in Iowa puppy mills. We don't yet have a bill that has been accepted, but a simple statement to your legislators will help convince them that they need to allow our proposed bills to move forward. A few reminders about how to generate good letters/emails to legislators: Be sure to include your mailing address so they know that you're a constituent •State that you're a constituent in the subject line of an email. •Be courteous and keep it short, but if you have a personal story about puppy mills, be sure to share it. Ask that they send you a reply. Include a phone number if you want them to call you directly. All of the senate and house district lines have been redrawn which means your state senator and state representative may have changed since last year. And we just had an election so that may have also resulted in a change in your legislators. So the first thing you need to do is identify who your state legislators are. To do this, visit this website:
Enter your city, zipcode or entire street address in the appropriate fields.

Why is this important?

To get legislation passed in Iowa to have strict laws against Puppy Mills. We would like them shut down & if that can't happen, then very tough inspections. We need to be their voice. The puppy mill breeders (they are not true breeders) are raking in $1M plus a year.
