To: Marco Rubio, Senator, Rand Paul, Senator, Jeb Bush, Gov., Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State, Elizabeth Warren, Senator, and Martin O'Malley, Governor

Iowans Demand 2016 Presidential Candidates Stay Off Jan Mickelson's Radio Show

We Iowans demand that all 2016 Presidential candidates stay off Jan Mickelson's radio show. Mr. Mickelson spreads anti-immigrant and anti-Latino messages. His show is no place for serious Presidential candidates.

Why is this important?

Recently Jan Mickelson called one of the most prominent Latino members of Congress an "open borders Hispanic zealot" and an "open borders and amnesty con artist." He even said that DREAMers shouldn't be allowed to attend public schools.

This is a big problem because Jan Mickelson is one of the most influential morning radio show hosts in Iowa. Bloomberg News recently called him one of the "Most Powerful Republicans You've Never Heard Of."

Studies have found that Republican voters are more than three times as likely to trust their talk radio hosts than to trust their local reporters. That's why Presidential candidates flock to their shows.

But Jan Mickelson doesn't use this influence for the good of others, he uses his spotlight to spread anti-immigrant and anti-Latino messages. That is why we're demanding that all 2016 presidential candidates boycott his show.

No respectable public servant should reinforce these harmful messages. Please join with us by adding your name to this petition.