To: WHO-TV, NBC affiliate in Des Moines, KCCI, CBS affiliate in Des Moines, WOI-DT, ABC affiliate in Ames, KCRG-TV, ABC affiliate in Cedar Rapids, KWWL, NBC affiliate in Cedar Rapids, KGAN, CBS affiliate in Cedar Rapids, KIMT, CBS affiliate ...

Iowans See First Hand How Low Karl Rove Will Go

Karl Rove's new political campaign ad in Iowa intentionally misleads voters in an attempt to incite anger. This type of politics has no place in our democracy! We demand that Iowa TV stations refuse to run this ad.

Why is this important?

Karl Rove's group "American Crossroads" is intentionally misleading voters and inciting anger in Iowa.

His latest ad in Iowa attacks the Democratic candidate for US Senate in Iowa, Bruce Braley, by citing a famously discredited Heritage Foundation study on immigration reform which was written by a fringe researcher who believes immigrants and Latinos inherently have lower IQs than native whites.

And if that's not bad enough, his ad says the Senate immigration bill is "amnesty" --- a claim Karl Rove knows is completely false.

In fact, last year, Karl Rove himself wrote, "It is also important that Republicans avoid calling a pathway to citizenship "amnesty." Amnesty is the forgiveness of wrongdoing without penalty[...] The current Senate bill has plenty of penalties and hurdles for those here illegally who seek citizenship. "

Our democracy has no place for people like Karl Rove who intentionally mislead voters in an attempt to incite anger. Please join with us and demand that Iowa TV stations refuse to run this ad.
