To: Internal Revenue Service

IRS: No Free Ride for Election Buyers

IRS: Stop giving organizations which do ANY electioneering tax-exempt (501c4) status. They must pay taxes and disclose their donors like every other partisan group.

Why is this important?

To avoid disclosure, billionaires are laundering their campaign donations through so-called 'social welfare' nonprofits (in IRS language, 501c4's). These organizations are tax-exempt and don't have to disclose the names of donors, supposedly because they are charitable, but in reality many of them exist for the purpose of electioneering. That means we the taxpayers are giving a free ride to the wealthy corporations and individuals who are buying our government, while we can't even find out who they are. The IRS could stop this practice by applying strict rules, but they are dragging their feet, saying they 'plan to look at' the problem sometime. We need transparency NOW.