To: President Donald Trump, Media, The Hawaii State House, The Hawaii State Senate, Governor David Ige, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Is there Double Write-down of Real Estate

Raghu G: Leverage Debt Reduction by Raghu-nomics

There may be a simple solution to paying off $2 to $4 trillion of our national deficit in 4 to 6 months.

No taxes raised or service cuts.

It would payoff trillions more in debt and liability from banks and Wall Street while 401ks rise once again.

It does not take gov’t intervention, nor bailouts, nor regulations.

Actually, all it takes is you.

And no, you don’t have to hate your neighbors for being Democrat or Republican.

Nor must you send money and wait 6 months for the election.

We can do all this today, for free, with just one simple question:

Mr President, have banks and insurance companies been paying off the same real estate asset without realizing it?

A double write-down by banks and insurance companies means we don’t have a real estate crisis, but just one big accounting mistake. It means this whole crisis was written-off years ago.

Here’s a quick rundown on just 1 of 6 areas of double write-downs.

At the height of the market boom, there were $65 trillion dollars of insurance policies called, ‘Credit Default Swaps or CDS.’

This insurance was for $12 trillion in residential real estate. This means there were 5 CDS insurance policies for every home in America.

Paying off just 10% of these CDS means we just paid-off 50% of every home in the country.

Raghu-nomics has discovered 5 other areas of write-downs. All combined, it appears that 50% to 100% of every home mortgage in American has already been paid off. We just don’t know it yet. Once we do, this whole crisis will clear up and markets will boom instantly. The $2 to $4 trillion in real estate securities Uncle Sam bought in the banking bailout can now be sold thereby paying off $4 trillion of our federal deficit as well.

At Raghu-nomics, we call it Leverage Debt Reduction. We all heard of leverage financing or leverage buyouts. Basically, it means to use the same capital multiple times to make your investment. Leverage financing multiplies both the returns and liabilities of one’s investment.

Here’s Raghu-nomics revolutionary new discovery. Leverage financing also multiplies any write-downs a company may have to take as well. It’s the inverse of leverage financing for we now have the debt reduction also multiplied by such write-downs.

What’s a write-down? Well, there’s Lehman brothers that fell from $800 billion to just $20 billion in a matter of days. Banks, gov’ts, investment firms wrote down trillions more. They wrote-off these mortgage securities and in so doing, already paid off their corresponding mortgage – your mortgage just got paid off by them.

We are asking President Obama to take a second look at the possibility we have a double write-down of our real estate market.
Ask any other political, corporate or academic leaders to take a second look at this Double write-down by banks & insurance companies.

Having 10,000 friends join us in asking this simple question maybe all it takes to break this riddle and solve this whole real estate crisis at long last. Today, we can change the world with one simple question.

Mr. President, has there been a double write-down.

Will you join us?

Why is this important?

It appears that banks and insurance companies have been writing-down the same real estate securities without realizing it. What this means is that we don't have a real estate crisis, but just one big accounting mistake. It means that 50% to 100% of every home in the country has already been paid off without banks realizing it. Simply confirming this will send markets booming, housing crisis solved and 401k's rise.
