To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

It is immoral to vote Republican

It's time to put differences aside and work for those generations yet to come. Our great grand kids will not much care why it all came apart. It's time to act like adults and take the power out of the hands of the excessively wealthy. It is up to us now!

If you think your issue is so important that you must vote to help the excessively wealth, remember that it is your children, grand children and future generations that will pay for it.

Why is this important?

I have watched during the past 40 years as the Republicans have used their influence to tilt the playing field toward the upper 1% and it has worked. It is time to realize that it is immoral to vote Republican when the future of our planet is riding on this next election. It is immoral to put more power into the hands of the very wealthy and it is immoral to expect the 99% to pay for the mistakes and risk taking of the 1%.
