To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Congress: Pass H.R. 2902, the Supreme Court Ethics Act of 2013

All judges are created equal and should be subject to the same Code of Conduct and Rules of Ethics. The U.S. Judiciary, just as any other branch of the Federal Government, should be accountable to the Citizens of the United States of America and not motivated by political, religious or personal beliefs.

Why is this important?

Dear Members of US Congress,

We the people of the United States, in order to make the courts more fair and to establish judicial accountability ask you to Pass H.R. 2902, the Supreme Court Ethics Act of 2013.

The time has come to stop bias and partisanship in the US Supreme Court. It is a great privilege to be a Justice of the US Supreme Court. That role comes with tremendous responsibility to be fair, unbiased and not driven by a special interest -- either religious or political. Supreme Court justices must adhere to the highest ethical standards and conduct. Such a standard enforces public confidence in the highest court's fairness, and it demonstrates the absence of any bias or prejudice. If justices of the Supreme Court cannot hold themselves to such standards, how can they require other justices and judges of the lower courts to adhere to them?

Recently, several justices of the Supreme Court exhibited flagrant disregard for conflict of interest, legal ethics and standards of conduct they should not tolerate from lower court judges. The time has come to profess that all judges are created equal and have to be subject to the same Code of Conduct and Rules of Ethics. The US Judiciary is as any other branch of the government, accountable to the Citizens of the United States of America and not to any personal, religious or political beliefs. It is time for US Congress to accept this self-evident truth and make it a law.

We need to stop abuse of the Code of Conduct by the Justices of the Supreme Court and require them not to represent the interest of the richest 1 percent or 5 percent of the population or corporations, but of all citizens of this great country.

We the People demand from the members of the US Congress to pass this Bill that currently has only 11% chance of getting past committee and 2% chance of being enacted - (see We, who signed this petition, will not rest until the Congress will enact this important legislation into the law.