To: President Donald Trump

It' Okay To Take The Glove's Off!

Mr. President it is okay to stand up and come out swinging to protect the American people from lies, deciet and fraud that can negatively affect our nation for years or decades to come. We support you Mr. President because, you are a strong fighter for our rights and you believe in our nation and the greatness it once had and can have again if we do it together. Don't be afraid to look like a leader because of somebody that was probably not going to vote for you anyway, stand strong for the millions of us who do support you on your strength and your ability to speak on it in a manner that we all understand and for calling the truth out when it needs to be done. Let the real President Obama show up for the next debate, that is who we tuned in to see. "WE GOT YOUR BACK".

Why is this important?

I think that the Presidents hands should be untied and he be allowed to respond to Romney's lies and deception accordingly without having to worry about the backlash of people who are thinking he will come off as the angry b___k man. He is fighting for the intergrity of this country and he needs to be tuff and steern. We are not looking for a weak and passive leader in these days a times, we need a steel rod spine and a clear decided visionary for our world leader. Please let the President know we have his back on fighting for our nation with zest and vigor.
