To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate
It's Time for Trade Policies that Work for Everyone
It's time to stop negotiating trade agreements in secret and relying on Fast Track procedures to rush these agreements through Congress with little debate and zero opportunities for amendments. We need 21st century global trade policies that work for everyone. I urge you to oppose Fast Track for the Trans-Pacific Partnership
Why is this important?
When it comes to the future of the global economy, you've been shut out.
When American negotiators decide what matters during trade agreements, they consult with big corporations, not the American public. These corporations are using these secret negotiations to make an end run around Congress so that they can ship even more jobs overseas, devastate the environment, drive up health care costs and repeal critical consumer protections on Wall Street.
They've shut all of us out of the negotiating room, but that doesn't mean we won’t be heard.
Our trade agreements should lift us up, not drag us down in a race to the bottom. Our trade agreements should put high standards for wages and working conditions, environmental and consumer protection first instead of trying to maximize corporate profits and power.
Sign this petition today to let your members of Congress know that it's time for 21st century global trade policies that work for everyone.
When American negotiators decide what matters during trade agreements, they consult with big corporations, not the American public. These corporations are using these secret negotiations to make an end run around Congress so that they can ship even more jobs overseas, devastate the environment, drive up health care costs and repeal critical consumer protections on Wall Street.
They've shut all of us out of the negotiating room, but that doesn't mean we won’t be heard.
Our trade agreements should lift us up, not drag us down in a race to the bottom. Our trade agreements should put high standards for wages and working conditions, environmental and consumer protection first instead of trying to maximize corporate profits and power.
Sign this petition today to let your members of Congress know that it's time for 21st century global trade policies that work for everyone.