To: The Kentucky State House, The Kentucky State Senate, and Governor Matt Bevin


It's TIME to remove the injustice and massive hypocrisy over the legal consequences of marijuana for both, medical and recreational use in the state of Kentucky! With Kentucky's rich history of marijuana and hemp cultivation, our state should be at the FOREFRONT of the movement to END PROHIBITION! We can no longer afford the massive costs associated with the double standard that allows for the far more destructive use of alcohol (and tobacco) while marijuana users are jailed and alienated from society. The ridiculous and unaffordable enforcement costs to society can easily be dramatically reduced, while regulating and taxing its use would make it safer, more useful, and it would reduce the unfounded and unjust efforts to suppress the legislation of MORALITY back out of the law as our founders intended (even our founders, including Jefferson and Washington were active growers and users of marijuana, and hemp was a major crop with many applications that were a mainstay throughout our nation)!
While other states have decided to objectively recognize the many, many productive uses of marijuana and the research of its derivatives as a BENEFIT to society, WE in Kentucky should focus on the same, rather than on the narrow, limited view that marijuana is somehow harmful, which is difficult to confirm based on the objective research. As with ANY other issue, ALL of the benefits need to be part of the debate, especially as ALL of the arguments against it, including many proven inaccuracy's are holding the debate to a mostly one-sided discussion.
In a time in our history where Americans are DESPERATE to find solutions that can contribute to reducing our national and state public debt, marijuana can be a very significant part of the discussion rather than continuing to misinform in favor of ongoing policies that have been and always would be a DESTRUCTIVE force within our nation. The costs, law-enforcement, incarceration of otherwise law-abiding, productive citizens (and the unaffordable expense), the loss of drastically needed jail space for REAL and VIOLENT criminals, the loss of the potentially HUGE tax revenue generation, and standards for it all could be RESOLVED....favoring a FAR MORE efficient, reliable use of public funds and policy than the archaic methods of treating ALL like criminals as is done today! BOTH, current national and state policies have proven FAILURES to make effort in DECADES of failed efforts, while adding to our cumulative debts, year in and year out! Our nation is clearly struggling to find reasonable initiatives that instead of COSTING us all, can be parts of real and productive solutions to our problems. IT IS TIME TO ALLOW FOR THE CREATION OF THIS NEW INDUSTRY that will offer benefits to users, the business community, JOB GROWTH, and our legal and judicial systems which are over-worked enough with REAL issues! Please join this movement and sign my petition! It will be to the benefit and credit of ALL OF US to be NON-PARTISAN on this, as just like alcohol, tobacco, and all other things AMERICAN, we should have the right to personal choices and to our own liberty!

Why is this important?

It's TIME to remove the injustice and massive hypocrisy over the legal consequences of marijuana for both, medical and recreational use in the state of Kentucky! With Kentucky's rich history of marijuana and hemp cultivation, our state should be at the FOREFRONT of the movement to END PROHIBITION! We can no longer afford the massive costs associated with the double standard that allows for the far more destructive use of alcohol while marijuana users are jailed and alienated from society, at unaffordable enforcement costs, rather than regulating and taxing it!