To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

It’s time to put our mouths where the NRA’s money is!

We will only succeed in controlling gun violence if WE THE PEOPLE stand up to the gun lobby in our country with a powerful lobby of our own.
Very simply – shall we all join together in creating the SGO – the Safe Gun Organization?
The goals:
• allow guns only in the hands of people who know how to use them safely and responsibly,
• limit the capacity of gun clips,
• reinstate the assault weapons ban,
• elect people to office who will support our goals.
Please add your name to call for the formation of the SGO.
And add your suggestion for who we might recruit to lead us in this fight and be our spokesperson.

Why is this important?

Too many members of congress have been cowed for far too long by the powerful gun lobby – we must join together to give them the encouragement and the backbone to do the right thing. We proved in the last election that when we stand together and speak out, YES WE CAN defeat the big money interests in this country.
