To: All the 2016 Presidential Candidates, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

It's time to tame Wall Street and save our economy

The big banks still have way too much political and economic power for our country’s good. We call on you to oppose any rollbacks or delays of the Wall Street reforms already enacted into law, and to support these crucial next steps:

1. Bring back Glass-Steagall to stop the banks from using government subsidies and guarantees to enrich themselves.

2. Put a small tax on every Wall Street trade to discourage speculation and slow down the casino while generating tens of billions of dollars a year for better schools and other public needs.

3. Bust up the biggest banks. As Robert Reich says, any bank that is too big to fail is too big, period.

Why is this important?

Robert Reich has got it right. Tell Congress and the 2016 presidential candidates they need to stand up to Wall Street to make the economy work better for the rest of us. Reforming the financial system is one of the central issues facing our country, and we cannot allow big-money donors to hijack our democracy and continue to rig the game in favor of the .1%. Every lawmaker and candidate for president should take a clear stand on taming Wall Street and working for a fairer and safer financial system. It's going to take all of us to make sure they do. Please join this call for action so these issues get the attention they deserve.