To: Jack Conway, Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Kentucky

Jack Conway: OPPOSE the Unfair Robo-Signing Settlement!

OPPOSE any settlement of the robo-signing case that provides civil or criminal immunity to banks or their executives and instead create a program to help Kentucky home owners damaged by fraudulent bank processes to sue banks for full recovery of damages and punitive awards.

Why is this important?

Reports are circulating that a settlement of the robo-signing case between the big Wall Street banks and the 50 state attorneys general will be announced as soon as NEXT WEEK. Early indications are that the settlement will amount to yet another UNCONSCIONABLE GIVEAWAY TO THE BANKS.

The settlement will provide too little money to home owners, will require only trivial financial penalties for the banks, will not have sufficient enforcement mechanisms to ensure that the money banks ARE supposed to pay actually gets paid, and will distribute huge amounts of money to home owners who were NOT fraudulently foreclosed on, while falling far short of compensating victims for the actual losses they wrongly sustained.

Worst, early reports indicate that the settlement will grant civil and/or criminal IMMUNITY to the Wall Street banks and their executives.