To: Mayor Mitch Landrieu, City of New Orleans

Jack's Meat Market is a nuisance to the community.

Jack's Meat Market sells alcohol 24 hours a day. Single service beers, half pints of liquor and crack pipe roses are sold 24/7. Jack's Meat Market is also located in a residential neighborhood and has no reason to sell these items at all hours of the night. Because of this operation, people drink on the streets, around abandoned buildings and side walks. There is loitering and drug dealing. No one from Jack's Meat Market calls the police. We believe this type of operation leads to more violent crimes. Please sign this petition to show your support of our cause to reduce violent crime in New Orleans. We feel Jack's Meat Market is a nuisance to the community and needs to be shut down.

Why is this important?

Jack's Meat Market on Derbigny St and Mandeville St allows public drinking, loitering, drug dealing and other activities that have negative affects to our community. Their operation helps enable crime in our neighborhood.
