To: District Attorney Jon David and ADA Chris Gentry of Columbus County


Jasmine Thar was shot on 23 Dec 11 by a caucasian male right in front of her door in Chadbourn, NC. She was only sixteen years old. The shooter claimed it to be an accident, despite the fact that he admitted to fire the shot and police found confederate flag and Nazi literature in his house. What kind of message the police department, District Attorney Jon David and ADA Chris Gentry are sending? Now we can shoot anyone and get away with it by claiming it was an accident or self defense like Florida as long as the person is white. This is 2012 and it feels like we are still in the 60s. All that we are asking for is justice. Justice by charging the offender and let a jury decides that he is/is not guilty of the killing of the young 16 year-old Jasmine

Why is this important?

Shooting of 16 year old Jasmin Thar of Chadbourn, NC right in front of her door while texting and the caucasian male who admitted the shooting to be an accident still has not been charged.