To: The Texas State House, The Texas State Senate, and Governor Greg Abbott

Jason Steed

Mental health in Texas is a joke and is taking lives every day. We need changes to save the lives of the lost. Every person matters and our lack of mental health in this state is murdering so many lost souls.

Why is this important?

Suicide, Depression, PTSD, Anxiety, BI-Polar, Dementia, ADHD, ADD, Schizophrenia, Obsessive compulsive disorder, and Autism are all forms of mental illness. Mental illness is a clear disease that can not be seen.It touches all ages, race, sex, religion, weight, height, Educational status, and finical status. It effects millions each day as well as their loved ones. If you do not know any one with any of the above illnesses you are either blessed beyond belief or you need to pay more attention. But let’s be honest we all do and it’s time to start helping bring our loved ones back to life. Back to smiling. Back to helping our friends. I’m asking for you to help me,help them. My goal is to bring awareness and be a voice of those who need it most. All I am asking is for you to sign with me. Sign in the name of Jason and all those who took their lives. Let me fight for them. Let me fight for you.
Time for change in our mental health system #CLEARNATION#mentalawearness#fightforthem

My husband recently took his life after years of battling bipolar disorder and depression. The true life of mental illness affects every one In some way or another. Our government needs to step in and make some changes so the lost can be saved. I will walk on October 22, 2019, in my husband's name to the state capital so he and all who have died by suicide can be an example of our government's failure in mental health.