To: The Missouri State House, The Missouri State Senate, Governor Mike Parson, The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Donald Trump

*JASPER COUNTY JAIL* Cleanliness, dietary issues, recreation.

1. Clothes need to be changed daily.
2. Bedding washed more often.
3. Cells need to be cleaned with antibacterial cleaners.
4. Mold needs to be bleached, killed, and scrubbed out of showers.
5. Cups need to be sanitized and cleaned.
1. There is by far not enough food fed to inmates.
2. They need to feed them meat and more food period. It's hardly enough to live. People are going crazy due to it.
3. Dogs eat better. I'm just saying these PEOPLE are people too and don't deserve this; nobody should ever have to endure some of the stuff the inmates do.
Our bodies require vitamin D daily. It's necessary for the inmates to spend an hour outside a day for rec.
And spending more time doing stuff. They could have counseling, and maybe job training, rehab classes, and they should be made to work somehow and or stay active one way or another. All county jail is doing to people is teaching them to be lazy but then expect them to get out, work, and pay stuff and be responsible. That makes no sense to me. Maybe if things were done differently and necessary resources provided, and people actually treated like people, there wouldn't be repeat offenders and people would be set on a good, better path.

Why is this important?

I was stopped by CPD while residing in Carthage. The end result was I got tickets for improper registration and no insurance. I moved to Joplin before my court day and honestly had so much other stuff going on that I'd forgotten all about it, honestly. Well, I was stopped by JPD and got arrested. I spent a few days in Joplin city jail, then got transferred to Jasper county jail where I also spent a few days. When in Jasper county jail, the conditions were beyond horrible; and I mean for anyone. But I don't wish to share any names or specifics; however, there was an incident that I heard about where a young woman did not only attempt to, but she hung herself. She passed out; later came to in a puddle of blood, her chin cracked, her neck all messed up and bruised up horribly. Needless to say, she wanted nothing more than to die, with a whole beautiful life ahead of her. And that's what that place does to most people. All the disease and filth and hunger. No wonder people constantly go mad. Think about this. Our Jasper county jail is only teaching people to be lazy and to not take care of any responsibility at all but then they expect them to get out and just work and be responsible. That's just insane if you ask me.
