To: Jeff Flake's Campaign and Rep. David Schweikert (AZ-6)


Congressman Jeff Flake, it is time to stop the lies! You have recently made a statement in Prensa Hispana, a local Spanish news paper, saying that you would vote on the DREAM Act if you were elected as Senator. Your voting record says otherwise, and you voted NO when you had the chance. We want you to set the record straight and tell our community the truth before November 6th!

Why is this important?

Friends, it is time to hold politicians accountable for their actions. We recently invited Jeff Flake to speak to our community and he completely ignored us. As undocumented youth, we are tired of being played as a political football. Flake went on a Spanish news paper recently saying he will vote yes on the DREAM Act. HOWEVER, when he had the chance in 2010 as a House Rep. he voted NO!

Tell Flake to stop the lies, stop flip flopping and stop playing with our lives.