To: The United States Senate

Jeff Sessions Motion of No Confidence

I call for an immediate vote of No Confidence concerning Attorney General of the United States Jeff Sessions over his flagrant fueling of racial and political divide in this nation. I take his recent offensive comments as a threat to a fair and balanced enforcement of law and a threat to all races of this nation other than those of "Anglo-American" heritage.

There is no way possible for a man with these belief sets to be able to fairly preside over the Attorney General's duties.

Why is this important?

On 02/12/2018, Jeff Sessions did in fact make the following statement during a speech to the National Sheriff’s Association:

"Since our founding, the independently elected sheriff has been the people's protector, who keeps law enforcement close to and accountable to people through the elected process," he said at the organization's winter conference. "The office of sheriff is a critical part of the Anglo-American heritage of law enforcement. We must never erode this historic office."

There is no way possible for a man with these belief sets to be able to fairly preside over an office as his.

These are attacks aimed directly at people of color of the United States and therefore I think a Motion of No Confidence is warranted.

A motion of no confidence (alternatively vote of no confidence, no-confidence motion, or (unsuccessful) confidence motion) is a statement or vote which states that a person(s) in a position of responsibility (government, managerial, etc.) is no longer deemed fit to hold that position, perhaps because they are inadequate in some respect, are failing to carry out obligations, or are making decisions that other members feel are detrimental. As a parliamentary motion, it demonstrates to the head of state that the elected parliament no longer has confidence in (one or more members of) the appointed government.

A censure motion is different from a no-confidence motion. Depending on the constitution of the body concerned, "No Confidence" may lead to compulsory resignation of the council of ministers or other position-holder(s), whereas "Censure" is meant to show disapproval and does not result in the resignation of ministers. The censure motion can be against an individual minister or a group of ministers, but the no-confidence motion is directed against the entire cabinet. Again, depending on the applicable rules, censure motions may need to state the reasons for the motion while no-confidence motions may not require reasons to be specified.

These are attacks aimed directly at people of color of the United States and therefore I think such a vote is warranted.
