To: Steve Fulop, Mayor

Jersey City Cop Attempts To Start Civil War

Fire the police officer who distributed false information about the bloods street gang issuing a general threat of violence and murder against police officers around the state. Such action only serves to promote and escalate violence in Jersey City. This officer has put the lives of his fellow officers and the people of the community that he swore to protect at risk.

Why is this important?

We the people demand the full dismissal of the Jersey City Police Officer who distributed false information about the bloods street gang issuing a general threat of violence and murder against police officers around the state. Such action only serves to promote and escalate violence in Jersey City.

This officer, who is allowed to remain anonymous, has put the lives of his fellow officers and the people of the community that he swore to protect at risk.

Police officers have a difficult time as it is with policing urban communities without additional terrorist threats looming overhead. The rumors that were spread turned every resident of that community into a terrorist and gave license for every officer for indiscriminate use of force.

We the people, do not want this office to be disciplined. We do not want him behind a desk. We do not want him on suspension. We do not want him directing traffic. We want this officer be fully removed from the ranks of the Jersey City Police Department with no pension.

We the people also request that a full investigation be done to his work prior to this recent discovery to ensure that has said officer has not done this before and to ensure that any arrests he made were not false.We also request this be done at the expense of the officer.

We the people have spoken.
