To: The United States Senate

Jobs for Veterans Program

Vote YES to fund the Jobs for Veterans Program. Please reconsider your vote Senator Lamar Alexander as it is so important to the veterans, their families and to the State of Tennessee.

Why is this important?

Senator Lamar Alexander voted to block one billion dollars to fund the Jobs for Veterans Program. Why when the State of Tennessee has so much homelessness and unemployment and could benefit from these programs? I had two sons serve in the Army Infantry Division during Iraqi Freedom and when they returned home they could not find jobs. Either they didn't have the skills or the qualification requirements for the better paying jobs.There was no special training programs nor anyone to help them adjust to civilian life. That is why this money is so important to our veterans returning today that they get the skills and training they need to find a good, well paying job. If these funds are allowed and these programs are in place, our state will benefit with improvement in unemployment and homelessness. It's a win, win. Senator Alexander, please take the time to reconsider your vote.
