To: President Donald Trump, The Ohio State House, The Ohio State Senate, Governor Mike DeWine, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate


It’s Time for Peace and Jobs!

Mr. President and Members of Congress:

During this period, when people of faith and secular people alike reflect on the year that is ending and look forward with hope to the year ahead, it is a time to put aside differences and enmities to celebrate our universal values.

It is in this spirit of humanity and hope that we call upon you to redirect your efforts and federal resources to:

End the war in Afghanistan now, bring all our troops home and care for and support them upon their return

Create good jobs at living wages: invest in our communities and our people to sustainably grow the economy and put people back to work

Assure communities devastated by hurricane Sandy, that reconstruction is performed in the public interest with full transparency under the direction and control of local, state and federal governments and is accountable to the people

Train and hire veterans, the unemployed and youth from historically disadvantaged communities to perform cleanup and reconstruction as a part of a broader national jobs program to rehabilitate inner cities, build affordable energy-efficient homes, repair/replace public infrastructure and develop sustainable manufacturing for the 21st Century

Redirect our nation’s resources from war and uncontrolled Pentagon spending to fund social programs and public services, protect and improve Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, repair the social safety net, meet the challenge of climate change, and reduce poverty and inequality.

Rely foremost on determined diplomacy and patient negotiation, rather than military power to respond to international disputes, differences or conflicts

Require those at the top of the income ladder, giant corporations and financial speculators to pay their fair share of taxes.
We ask that you summon the personal courage and moral fortitude to transcend partisan differences to serve the common good and public interest

Why is this important?

As looming cuts to the social safety net are threatened, the military budget should be brought to the calculation. A 25% cut in military funds would not adversely affect the MIC's ability to defend America, but will save over $2T over the next ten years.